Concept Design Report

With the community-led concept design phase coming to a close, we’re excited to share our official Concept Design Report. The purpose of the report is to serve as a guide so that subsequent phases of project development maintain the community’s vision. This report was publicly presented to Malden City Council in October, 2020.

The Concept Design Report is organized in the following sections:

  1. Public Design Process: an overview of the process that included four public meetings, Steering Committee meetings, and weekly project team meetings

  2. The Design: a description and visual material communicating the concept design

  3. Cost Estimate: conceptual cost estimate with an explanation of assumptions made

  4. Recommendations and Next Steps: an outline of next project phases and key decisions

A separate Appendix includes all original notes from public meeting small group discussions, stakeholder meetings, and survey questions and results.

This was made possible with funding from the State of Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Program Action Grant and a MAPC Accelerating Climate Resiliency Grant.


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