News & Progress

It is Easy to be Green in Malden! Thanks to Green Malden!
April 26th - Noon to 3:00 PM at Pine Banks Field House

Apply to Join Malden’s New Climate Action and Sustainability Commission
PC: Urban Media Arts Mass Memories Roadshow

Malden’s Open Space Recreation Plan Plus ART
Please submit your thoughts about Malden's Open Space, Parks, and Recreational programs by filling out the surveys. Please share with your networks.

Malden River Works Project receives accolades and much more from the State!
The City of Malden has sealed the deal!

June First: Over 400 People “Met Us At the Malden River” to Create a Community Space Together!
The Malden River Works Steering Committee and Team welcome Malden to Malden River

Whip Katherine Clark secured monies for community project funding, including Malden River Works Project
Congressman Katharine Clark secures $1,559,600 to construct the Malden River Works project

Explore the Malden River
Malden River Works collaborates with the Chinese Culture Connection

Explore the Malden River
Come to the River’s Edge! June 3rd at River’s Edge at 200 River’s Edge Drive. 2:00PM - 5:00PM

Our Federal Delegation secures $1.3m for Malden River Works Waterfront Park
Malden’s Federal Delegation are building a Malden River Waterfront Park

Senator Jason Lewis hosts the third Malden River Forum at River’s Edge
Over 35 Malden River stakeholders convened at the third Malden River Forum to discuss ongoing projects and featuring Malden River Works.

Off Shoots Landscape Architects, Inc. builds community stewardship on the site of Malden River Works
Kate Kennon of Offshoots, Inc. speaks to the critical need for removing invasive plants and nurturing native plants
W.O.W. (Words on the Water) and Project Misik create a Public Yard on the Malden River
Isaura Oliviera of Project Misik blesses the Malden River

Project Misik: Malden City Yard on September 24th
Join us! September 24th 10-5PM on the Malden River at the Malden City Yard

We’re featured in the Boston Globe!
Read the Boston Globe article about momentum on the Malden River.

Banner Image: Site of Future Park | Photo Credit: Khalil Kaba