Malden River Works Project receives accolades and much more from the State!

We had a special guest at our August 3rd Malden River Works Steering Committee Meeting at Malden City Hall. Spoiler Alert: Our guest traveled to Malden from the Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Boston headquarters with her staff.

Click below to see the video of our surprise guest:

The surprise guest to our meeting with Malden’s Mayor was Secretary Rebecca Tepper of MA's Energy and Environmental Affairs.  She brought her staff and the good news of a $3.5 million dollar grant through the Gateway City Park Program.

Secretary Tepper said that "the Malden River Works Project embodies everything that we are excited about in our administration: Community, Resilience, and Equity.":

  • Community - the Malden River Works Steering Committee and Team have built a community around the Malden River. 

  • Resilience and Persistence:  Wow!  We are the epitome of Persistence and Resilience - Our park will prove it!

  • Equity:  Here is a video to show how on June First, the park brought so many people of all Malden together

“The Healey-Driscoll Administration is pleased to provide the funding to reach this pivotal moment,” said EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “I was able to tour the project last year and witnessed firsthand the teamwork that has moved Malden River Works forward. This grant moves us closer to a revitalized Malden River. As our planet warms, it’s more important than ever that communities like Malden can access and enjoy their beautiful natural resources.”

For more information regarding this ground-breaking news of the Malden River Works Project to improve Malden’s Department of Public Works and to convert wasteland to a viable community park: Click here.


June First: Over 400 People “Met Us At the Malden River” to Create a Community Space Together!