Did you miss our latest Public Meeting? Our Seventh Public Meeting! Learn here of Culture & Canoes events to be held at the Malden River in 2022

Below is a listing of events to come. You can listen to the one hour long zoom meeting here:


use the Access Passcode: bR#0niLi to access the zoom recording

Funding updates and Introductions to Steering Committee: starts at 3 min

Park Design Update with Q&A: starts at 11min:30 seconds

Spring, Summer, and Fall Community Events on the Malden River: starts at 32 mins

Kera Washington of Project Misik presents Misik in the Yard of Malden River: starts at 39 mins

Sushant Bajracharya of Mystic River Watershed Association on River Trash Mitigation: starts at 51 mins

Events to come (more details to follow):

What: Photograph Gallery of Malden River: Champions and Challenges

When: February/March 2022 (details to follow):

Location: Urban Media Arts/MATV - Pleasant Street, Malden

What: Malden Reads sponsors a Community Canoe and Poetry Event

When: May 21, 022

Location: At the Malden River Works Park Site behind the Malden City Yard

What: Project Misik in the River Yard - Music and Workshops for all ages

When: Sunday, June 12th 12:00PM - 5:00PM and

September (Date to be announced) of 2022

Where: At the Malden River Works Park Site behind the Malden City Yard

What: Learn about the Plants on the Malden River

When: September of 2022

Where: at the Malden River Works Park Site behind the Malden City Yard


Register to join the Voice of the Malden River: a Photo-Narrative and Short Film Screening


Catching Up With Malden Mayor Christenson