Linda Cline


Linda Cline, a native Maldonian, is an environmental activist. Linda is passionate about engaging with local residents to create knowledge around issues that matter most –reduce/reuse/recycling; urban transportation initiatives, and interactions between the environment and human well-being. She enjoys being part of a local team effort that ramps up activism in order to protect the Malden River for the benefit of the local community and a healthy planet.

Linda attended Emerson College, Boston, MA where she holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications. She earned a Master of Management degree with a concentration in Health Care from Cambridge College. In 2018, she received a Certificate for participation in Brown University’s Social Enterprise Greenhouse, a cohort of Health and Wellness entrepreneurs.

Linda generously volunteers her time to organizations addressing the needs of African Americans, children, arts, education, and economic empowerment. She is an avid collector and researcher of 19th century African American historical artifacts.


Amber Christoffersen (former)


Gary Christenson