News & Progress

Trillium Studios Presents Karen and the River in the Turn Around Short Film Series
We are all part of the problem and the solution!

Register to join the Voice of the Malden River: a Photo-Narrative and Short Film Screening
Malden Catholic student, Amy Nguyen, captures video for the Voice of the River project while canoeing along the Malden River.

Did you miss our latest Public Meeting? Our Seventh Public Meeting! Learn here of Culture & Canoes events to be held at the Malden River in 2022
Listing of Upcoming Events and Watch the 7th Public Meeting: Design Updates; Descriptions of Events; Trash Free Malden and Mystic Rivers

Youth Engagement on the Malden River
Learn more about recent youth engagement activities on the Malden River, including a surprise visit from U.S. Senator Ed Markey!

Latest Design Updates and Community Conversations
Curious about the latest on the project? Read a quick recap of the most recent park design and outreach efforts.

Fifth Public Meeting
In the Fifth Public Meeting, we introduced our Engineering Team and discussed several themes of Malden River Works with the community.

Boston Globe 2/21/21: Can this DPW yard help save the planet?
Boston Globe highlights Malden River Works.

Concept Design Report
Read our official report on the community-led concept design process for the Malden River Works project.

Fourth Public Meeting
In the fourth public meeting we discussed how best to celebrate Malden through the park design.

“Celebrate Malden” Survey
See the results of our survey about ways to celebrate Malden in the park design.

Third Public Meeting
In the third public meeting we discussed a new design scheme and gathered feedback on the first draft of the Design Goals.

Second Public Meeting
In the second public meeting we discussed preferred features and priorities based on the three design options.

First Public Meeting
In the first public meeting we worked to establish the values and priorities of Malden residents for this project and the riverfront overall.
Banner Image: Site of Future Park | Photo Credit: Khalil Kaba